'TGI Friday!' Nothing captures what Friday signifies better than this American restaurant chain's iconic name. Don't we all love Fridays! I just feel it in the air. A spring in my step, a song on my lips, wishing everyday would be a Friday.
Why do we all love weekends so much? Some of the reasons are obvious. It means we don't have to go to work. Kids don't have to go to school. We get to wake up a little later than usual. Sack on the sofa and watch 'Madagascar' for the 1000th time (not that I'm complaining ;)). And all this comprise the sexy part of the weekend! The rest of the time is pretty mundane.
Still, weekend is a weekend. I often wonder, what do the highly accomplished people of the world do over weekends? How exciting can a weekend get? Do they go to a long-winding spa sessions to rejuvenate their mind and body? Do they golf with some hi-profile company? Or do they also sack and Netflix for the most part? I always end up feeling I wasted the weekend doing nothing useful. Thank you, hustle culture!
Why do we all love weekends so much? Some of the reasons are obvious. It means we don't have to go to work. Kids don't have to go to school. We get to wake up a little later than usual. Sack on the sofa and watch 'Madagascar' for the 1000th time (not that I'm complaining ;)). And all this comprise the sexy part of the weekend! The rest of the time is pretty mundane.
Still, weekend is a weekend. I often wonder, what do the highly accomplished people of the world do over weekends? How exciting can a weekend get? Do they go to a long-winding spa sessions to rejuvenate their mind and body? Do they golf with some hi-profile company? Or do they also sack and Netflix for the most part? I always end up feeling I wasted the weekend doing nothing useful. Thank you, hustle culture!
For me, an average person, weekends mean a logical break. A chance to start afresh - I will start my diet from Monday, I will start exercises from Monday, I will create a new to-do list blah blah. It's almost like a mini new year resolution list (which we never keep anyway :D). So this said, it does mean hope and positivity.
With all this bounce, the weekend progresses. My mood is at its best on Friday and Saturday. Then comes Sunday. The bounce has reduced, my mood is a little grumpier and the sunshine has lost its sheen somewhat. The evening on Sundays is seriously the worst time of the week. The weekend's getting over. I need to return to working the next morning. Throw in the domestic chores too.
But Eureka! Sunday evenings don't have to be this way. I found a way to address this and it's worked for me. All I do is spend about 15 minutes on Sunday evening with my laptop, figuring out what I will be doing the next couple of days. I also plan out what I will be cooking on each day of the coming week. It immediately calms my mind and makes me feel back in control. This is an investment that helps me enjoy what's left of the weekend. It creates a space in my mind which was earlier filled with unfounded worries and loads of weight. Hey, I knew this already, you say? Good for you! It was still Eureka for me.
So, let make this small investment of 15 minutes to make Sunday part of the weekend again!
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